Alessandro Busà
Urban Research
M.Arch., Ph.D. urban planning
Urban Development and Urban Policy Studies, URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY, Global and Comparative Urban Research
Alessandro Busà - Urban Research
Books & Volumes

"The Creative Destruction of New York City: Engineering the City for the Elite" The gentrification of New York in the years of Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio

Alessandro Busa'. 2012. "Rezoning Coney Island: A History of decline and revival, of heroes and villains at the “People’s Playground”, in De Sena, Judith and Shortell, Tim eds., The World In Brooklyn: Gentrification, Immigration, and Ethnic Politics in a Global City. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2012, 147-185.

Alessandro Busa'. 2010. "New York City, New York", in Robbins, Paul, Cohen, Nevin and Golson, J. Geoffrey eds., Green Cities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 2010.

Alessandro Busa'. 2009."City of Memory", in Ray Hutchinson ed., Sage Enclyclopedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 2009, 158-161. "The New York World's Fair (1939/40)", in Ray Hutchinson ed., Sage Enclyclopedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 2009, 561-562 "The City Beautiful Movement", in Ray Hutchinson ed., Sage Enclyclopedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, 2009, 152-156

Alessandro Busa'. 2006. “Vita e Morte delle Gallerie Commerciali Italiane“, in Giandomenico Amendola ed., La Città Vetrina. Milano: Liguori Edizioni, 2006, 38-56.

Alessandro Busa'. 2005.“Der Weg zu einer modernen Architektur in einem Land, das von einer fortschrittlicher Pädagogik geprägt ist". Bauen für Kinder in Italien“, in Wüstenrot Stiftung ed., Bauen für Kinder. Stuttgart + Zurich: Karl Krämer Verlag, 2005, 200-242.